dental technology in dental care

dental technology in dental careBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

We live in an exciting time with technology evolving at a rapid rate. These technological breakthroughs have affected every aspect of our society; technology has changed how we travel, communicate, shop, and so much more. The field of dentistry is no different. At Hamilton Dental Care, we pride ourselves on using some of the latest tools and technologies in dental science to provide the highest possible level of compassionate and comprehensive care.

Read on to learn more about how we provide state-of-the-art dentistry to our patients in Danville

  • Laser therapy allows us to perform many soft-tissue procedures, such as to treat gum disease and remove diseased gum tissue. As the laser works, it vaporizes the infected tissue with more precision than a scalpel wielded by even the most skilled and experienced dentist. A surgical procedure performed with our laser means minimal bleeding, discomfort, and risk of infection as compared to completing the same treatments by hand. Patients find that receiving laser therapy and the recovery afterward is much more tolerable than compared to traditional surgical methods.
  • Digital X-rays represent a major upgrade over traditional X-ray technology. Dentists have been using X-rays as a diagnostic tool for decades, but at Hamilton Dental Care, our entire X-ray system is digital. That means the images produced are more precise, and the images can be manipulated to show parts of your teeth and mouth that are not visible by the eyes alone. Also, digital X-rays are safer because taking these images emits a fraction of the radiation emitted during standard X-rays. We also use what is called the Conebeam for taking 3D X-rays of the entire neck and head, even nerve paths. These X-rays are sometimes used as a crucial part of developing treatment plans, and for diagnosing certain oral diseases.
  • The Wand™ has revolutionized the way that anesthesia can be delivered. Do you get nervous around needles? Maybe you’re just looking for a more convenient way to make sure you don’t feel discomfort during a dental procedure. The Wand™ is an advanced, computerized anesthetic delivery system that administers the anesthetic you need in a virtually painless manner. Patients who receive anesthesia by The Wand™ often proclaim not to feel a thing!
  • Intraoral cameras have been part of our practice for more than two decades, but technological advances have made these devices more efficient and effective. The images taken with these cameras are ideal for educating patients to the problems we see and providing insight into our recommended course of treatment, giving you more of a voice in your own treatment plan.
  • Electric handpieces have several benefits over the traditional dental handpiece. Also referred to as a dental drill, a standard handpiece is air-driven, producing an unpleasant noise that can be unsettling to patients. Electric handpieces are quieter, and also have a more consistent and accurate torque, giving your dentist in Bloomsburg superior feel throughout a procedure.

High-quality dentistry in Bloomsburg

These technological advances are just part of the way that Hamilton Dental Care is committed to going above and beyond for our patients. To learn more about any of these devices, or to schedule a consultation, give us a call at (570) 387-0533 today.

Hamilton Dental Care is proud to serve patients in the communities of Bloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA.


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