sports guard

sports guardBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Summer will be here before we know it and, if you have kids in your house, that means there is a high probability you will be sending your children to some sort of athletic endeavor. More than half of all children age 6-17 play on a sports team or take some sort of athletic lessons. No matter what sport your child chooses, you want to protect them against injury. That means outfitting them with the right equipment, which needs to include avoiding dental injuries. Read on as, today on the blog, your family dentist in Bloomsburg explains how to protect your child’s smile while playing sports this summer.

Get your child a mouth guard

Nearly every sport has some type of protective equipment. If your child is playing any type of sport with physical contact, make sure they wear a mouth guard during every game and practice. Research has found that a dental injury was the most common type of facial injury suffered by young people when participating in contact sports. These injuries usually result from another athlete or a piece of equipment. And, if a dental injury is sustained in sports, there is a high likelihood that injury will be serious. In many cases, a dental sports injury results in avulsion, which refers to any situation in which the tooth is knocked out completely from the socket. Avulsion often leads to total tooth loss, along with an expensive and highly uncomfortable visit to an emergency dentist.

A mouth guard protects you against one of these potentially catastrophic dental injuries. Wearing a mouth guard during contact sports also reduces your risk of concussion by a significant degree. To obtain maximum protection for your teeth and mouth, Hamilton Dental Care can supply any athlete in your family with a custom-made sports guard, made from the unique impressions of your teeth and mouth. This ensures a snug, secure, comfortable fit for your guard.

Drink water, not sports drinks

Sports drinks have been a popular beverage choice for active people for years—but did you know that frequent consumption of these sports drinks can be quite bad for your oral health? The sugar in these sports drinks can stick to your teeth, where it becomes fuel for the bacteria and plaque that lead to tooth decay. Sports drinks also tend to be high in acid, and this acidic quality can deteriorate your tooth enamel, leaving your teeth vulnerable to decay and injury while also increasing dental sensitivity.

Instead, water is the best drink you can choose. In addition to being the ideal method of hydration, water cools your muscles and serves as a natural means to limit the build-up of food particles and bacteria that can build up on your teeth and cause cavities or decay.

Customized sports guards in Bloomsburg, Danville and Lewisburg in Pennsylvania

If you have athletes in your household, obtaining a sports guard for them ensures their teeth and mouth remain protected not just during the summer but in all seasons. To be fitted for a custom-made quality sports guard, contact the office of Hamilton Dental Care today to schedule a consultation. Call (570) 387-0533 or visit us online to make an appointment.


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