improve smile

improve smileBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Did you know veneers have been around for almost a century? A dentist named Charles Pincus invented veneers in 1928, to alter the appearance of actors’ teeth for a movie production in Hollywood. Today, celebrities use veneers to give themselves the perfect-looking smiles you see on screen or in magazines. Now for the good news: the same veneer treatments are available to people just like you.

4 Ways veneers can improve your smile

  • They are made with high-quality materials

The first veneers were temporary prosthetics that Pincus constructed to be held in place with denture powder. Modern veneers have come a long way from those original ones. At Hamilton Dental Care, we work with veneers made of dental porcelain. This is a beautiful and durable material that resists surface stains. Our dental porcelain also has a similar translucency as natural tooth enamel; this means your veneers look natural.

  • They can permanently whiten your smile

Brightening your teeth by just a few shades can make a dramatic difference in the appearance of your smile. If you want to whiten your smile, a professional dental whitening treatment is the best option. However, the effects of any whitening procedure will fade as time passes. Veneers, on the other hand, are bonded permanently to your teeth. With proper care, veneers can last a decade or longer.

  • Veneers are versatile

Chips, cracks, fractures, an unwanted gap between teeth, a twisted tooth, mild crookedness or teeth of different sizes: these are all common aesthetic issues people have with their teeth, and all issues that can be resolved by one veneer treatment. Better yet, as mentioned earlier, the results of veneers are made to last for years.

  • Veneers protect damaged tooth enamel

Your tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your entire body. It’s also the durable outer layer of the structure of your teeth and plays a vital role in protecting your teeth. Enamel often deteriorates as part of the aging process but when it becomes damaged, your affected teeth become more susceptible to tooth decay, as well as dental injury. Once in place, veneers help to prevent any future weakening or attrition of your tooth enamel, safeguarding your teeth against future hazards.

Porcelain veneers in Bloomsburg, Danville and Lewisburg in Pennsylvania

That’s how cosmetic dentists use veneers to give you a beautiful smile worthy of the red carpet. Now that you know more about veneers and their uses, are you ready to find out for yourself how veneers can transform your smile? The next step is to schedule a consultation with one of our cosmetic dentists in Bloomsburg. At this appointment, our dentist will evaluate your current oral condition, review your dental history and discuss your aesthetic goals. This meeting determines if veneers are right for you, or if another cosmetic dentistry treatment is the better choice. Schedule your consultation at Hamilton Dental Care today by calling (570) 387-0533 or completing our appointment form online.


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