banish bad breath

banish bad breathBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Everyone gets bad breath occasionally, especially after eating pungent foods like onion or garlic. But, what happens when your bad breath keeps coming back? Bad breath can really hurt your chances at having an intimate life, and even cause your co-workers to cut those water cooler conversations short. Find out from Bloomsburg dentists, Drs. Joel Hamilton and Leigh Jacopetti, how to banish bad breath with these seven tips.

  1. Brush and Floss

This may seem like the most obvious tips but brush and floss your teeth regularly to fight bad breath. We will say that again, brush and floss daily! While most people have the whole brushing thing down, many more aren’t flossing. If you are really serious about curing your bad breath, then you have to floss. It’s the equivalent of brushing between your teeth. Otherwise, you aren’t cleaning 30% of your teeth’s surfaces.

  1. Use mouthwash

Mouthwash can help destroy bacteria that are responsible for bad breath. There are many different types of mouthwashes available in stores. Just be sure to choose one that is approved by the American Dental Association (ADA), and one that is alcohol-free. Despite what TV commercials claim, mouthwashes that feel like they are burning the inside of your mouth aren’t any better than alcohol-free varieties.

  1. Clean your tongue

It’s easy to remember to brush your teeth, but your tongue needs it too. Tongues have crevices that harbor bacteria and food particles responsible for bad breath. You could use your regular toothbrush to clean your tongue each time that you brush, or you can purchase a tongue scraper or specially designed brush to banish bad breath for good. Whichever tool you use, the idea is to clean your tongue daily.

  1. Keep an eye on your saliva production

Dry mouth can lead to bad breath. Saliva is a natural protectant for our teeth, although we still need to perform our daily oral hygiene routine. But, certain medications, and even hormonal changes as you age can cause dry mouth, which results in an influx of bacteria growth. This equates to bad breath. If you battle dry mouth, try to keep some sugar-free mint candies handy, drink lots of water, and talk to your dentist about other ways to manage your condition.

  1. Clean your dental prosthesis

Removable dentures or partial dentures can harbor bacteria and food bits that eventually start to stink and cause bad breath. If you wear a dental prosthesis, you should remove it after each meal to at least rinse it clean, and then remember to brush it, along with any other remaining teeth, at least twice a day. They may also benefit from an occasional soak using an appropriate solution. Furthermore, if you have any dental bridges or implants, you should clean and floss around these daily as well.

  1. Kick smoking and tobacco use to the curb

Tobacco use, specifically smoking, can cause really bad breath. About the only way to prevent bad breath in this manner is to kick the habit completely. It may be difficult to quit. If you have tried before and not been successful, consider checking out a smoking cessation program that may help.

  1. Don’t skip your six-month dental appointments

Even the best brushers still need twice-yearly dental checkups and cleanings. Everyone, even dentists, gets plaque and tartar buildup that only can be removed by a professional dental cleaning. Ignoring this buildup means that you have an increased risk of cavities, gum disease, and you guessed it – bad breath.

Get rid of bad breath

Try these tips if you are tired of dealing with bad breath. But, if your condition persists, it is best to have it checked by the dentist because it could be a sign of a more serious oral health problem like gum disease. To learn more or to schedule a consultation, just call Hamilton Dental Care at (570) 387-0533. We serve the areas of Bloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg.


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