coronavirus dental care

coronavirus dental careBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

The headlines in the news all over the world are focused on the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic. People are concerned about how the virus will affect their everyday activities, including the ability to receive dental care. Hamilton Dental Care is sharing some information about the coronavirus and how it will impact our Bloomsburg dental practice.

How to Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are preventative measures you can take to reduce your risk of becoming infected and spreading the virus. Basic personal hygiene such as washing your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and properly disposing of the tissue in the trash, avoiding other individuals who are sick or show symptoms of the coronavirus, and cleaning common surfaces such as light switches, countertops, doorknobs, keyboards, and phones are ways you could help control your exposure to the virus. If you have recently traveled outside of the United States, have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus, or currently experiencing symptoms of the virus, we recommend that you contact your primary care provider. Practice social distancing and only gather in groups fewer than 10.

Can I go to the dentist during the COVID-19 pandemic?

At Hamilton Dental Care, we value the health and safety of our patients, and our team, which is why we have decided to follow the American Dental Association’s recommendation of rescheduling all elective dental procedures at this time. This includes dental hygiene appointments for cleanings. If you have an upcoming appointment with our office, we will contact you to reschedule. For the next few weeks, Hamilton Dental Care will accept appointments for emergency care only. Please contact us directly if you need emergency dental care in Bloomsburg during the coronavirus pandemic.

How Hamilton Dental Care is Working to Protect You

Hamilton Dental Care’s staff is dedicated to keeping our patients healthy. Because of the coronavirus outbreak, we are taking extra precautions to protect our patients and staff. As a standard method of operations, every staff member has been trained in the strict OSHA guidelines for cleanliness and sanitization for all tools, treatment rooms, and equipment used during a dental exam. To disinfect surfaces, we only use EPA-approved chemicals known to kill viruses, bacteria, and blood-borne pathogens between patient appointments to reduce the risk of contamination. Also, our staff is required to follow the strict CDC handwashing guidelines before and after each patient.

To further assist in protecting our patients and staff, we may follow these protocols:

  • Prescreen patients by phone before their appointment to discuss your recent travel history and current health condition.
  • Request that patients remain in their car while waiting for their appointment and will be contacted by phone when their treatment room is ready.
  • Ask the patient to wear a mask as they enter the office and are escorted to the exam room.
  • Take the temperature of patients immediately upon arrival for their appointment.
  • Request that patients wash their hands upon entering the building and rinse with a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution.

We understand that some of these items may cause an inconvenience, but we are committed to your health and safety as our nation navigates these unprecedented times.

How to Know if You Should Visit the Dentist

Dental emergencies seem to happen when you least expect them and at the most inconvenient time. Your emergency dentist in Bloomsburg recommends that you seek immediate treatment for dental emergencies as some situations could pose life-threatening conditions if not addressed. If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please contact our office for further instructions regarding your dental emergency.

Dentist in Bloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

The viral outbreak of the coronavirus has caused concern throughout the U.S. It is the promise of your Bloomsburg general dentists at Hamilton Dental Care to help protect your health and safety as we continue to provide dental care. If you have questions about how we are protecting our patients or need to schedule an appointment, feel free to call (570) 387-0533 or request an appointment online.


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