filling cavity during coronavirus

filling cavity during coronavirusBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Right now, everyone across the United States is taking steps to contain the spread of COVID-19. Since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus) a global pandemic, vacations have been canceled, schools are closed, and people across the country are practicing social distancing. Many dental practices are offering only emergency dental care for the next several weeks. But, that does not mean that your cavities will go away! Find out why you still need to get treatment for cavities, even during a pandemic.

Essential vs. Non-Essential Care

Right now, the American Dental Association (ADA) has recommended that dentists postpone any elective procedures while all efforts are focused on limiting the spread of COVID-19. The ADA has detailed a list of what qualifies as essential dental care, and having tooth decay treatment is on the list of essential services—specifically in situations where the tooth has sustained moderate to severe levels of decay.

Even if you’re limiting your social interactions, ignoring your oral health for the next several weeks is not advised. If you believe that you have moderate to severe tooth decay or a cavity, you can call our general dentist office in Bloomsburg, as our phone lines remain open during the pandemic. From there, the dentist will advise you of a treatment plan, and when you should set an appointment. We can provide guidance on how to take photographs of your tooth so that you can send those to us to assess. From there, the dentist will advise you of a treatment plan, and when you should set an appointment.

What happens if you ignore a cavity?

Left untreated, a cavity will get worse as time passes. It will grow, eventually eroding more of the tooth and lead to severe pain or total tooth loss. If you see a cavity that looks like a tiny gray spot, you may be able to ignore it for a few weeks. However, if you’re experiencing intermittent or severe pain in combination with tooth decay, or have identified a noticeable dark hole in your tooth, Hamilton Dental Care recommends that you contact our office to make arrangements for care.

Get an Emergency Filling in Bloomsburg

Whether your cavity is small or so large that it’s compromising your oral health or causing pain, Hamilton Dental Care can help. We can install a tooth-colored filling for small cavities, or even replace the entire exterior of your tooth with a dental crown if significant damage has been done. For intermediate levels of decay, we can place an inlay or onlay. At Hamilton Dental Care, our goal is to provide you with dental care that restores your smile and your confidence. If you need an emergency dental appointment during the coronavirus pandemic, we ask that you contact our office first. Our team continues to remain dedicated to providing a safe and clean practice by adhering to OSHA disinfecting and cleaning standards, and taking additional precautions to ensure the health and safety of our employees, and patients.

Contact Hamilton Dental Care by calling (570) 387-0533. We provide emergency dental services to the areas of Bloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg.


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