perfect smile before christmas

perfect smile before christmasBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

As the Christmas season quickly approaches, you may find yourself wanting to change your smile and look your best for family gatherings and photos. It’s natural to want to make a good impression at holiday parties or when gathering with friends and family that you haven’t seen in a while. Fortunately, our Bloomsburg cosmetic dentists at Hamilton Dental Care share on the blog today options that can help you perfect your smile before Christmas.

Teeth Whitening

A dingy smile can reduce your confidence and cause you to want to cover your mouth when speaking or laughing. Teeth discoloration is a product of eating and drinking foods and beverages with staining components such as natural or added dyes. Fortunately, our Bloomsburg dental office provides professional teeth whitening services that take about 60-90 minutes for the brighter smile you desire. Although you can use store-bought teeth whitening options, the results are no competition for a professional-grade whitening treatment. Plus, teeth whitening from your dentist in Bloomsburg means that results will last much longer.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a convenient, economical treatment used for a myriad of reasons. For example, composite resin can repair a cavity, protect tooth roots exposed from receding gums, close a gap between teeth, or cover uneven or slightly crooked teeth. A special curing light hardens the resin, making it undetectable due to its transparency and color-match with your surrounding teeth. Our Bloomsburg cosmetic dentists explain that dental bonding can last up to 10 years with proper oral care when you avoid biting ice, pens, fingernails, or opening items with your teeth.


Not only do crowns improve your smile, but they also restore your bite functionality. A dental crown replaces the entire exterior tooth structure when a tooth becomes too damaged from an injury or decay. Our Bloomsburg cosmetic dentists that offer crowns can provide a custom-fit crown that will seamlessly blend in with your surrounding teeth so that it is virtually undetectable when you smile. Restoring your smile with dental crowns requires two visits: first, a consultation, exam, and impressions, and then a second visit to place the permanent crown. With a fast procedure, you are sure to have a perfect smile in time for Christmas.


Porcelain veneers are a cosmetic option that fits over each tooth to improve multiple dental concerns. Patients who have gapped, crooked, cracked, chipped, broken, stained, or uneven teeth can correct the imperfections for a single tooth or all visible front teeth. Veneers are ideal for an overall cosmetic choice that can provide results within a couple of weeks. Additionally, veneers are incredibly durable and made to last for years.

Cosmetic Dentist in Bloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

If you aren’t sure which treatment is right for you, begin by scheduling a consultation. Family and friend gatherings galore are on the horizon, and you want to look your best! With a visit or two to our Bloomsburg dental office, you can restore your smile to a bright, straight, beautiful one that lights up the room when you enter. To start your journey, please call Hamilton Dental Care at (570) 387-0533 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.


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