dental implants improve overall health

dental implants improve overall healthBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Missing teeth can be more harmful than you realize. Most dentists recommend replacing your missing teeth with a suitable replacement. Removable partial dentures, dental bridges, and dental implants are available options. However, dental implants are the only option that can help keep your bone structure sound and preserve your natural teeth. Today on the blog, Bloomsburg’s implant dentists at Hamilton Dental Care share how getting dental implants could improve your overall oral health.

Implants Fully Support Themselves

Removable partial dentures rest on your gums and latch onto surrounding teeth to secure them while speaking or eating. Dentures often trap food debris and harmful bacteria, so they need to be adequately cleaned after eating and drinking.

Dental bridges replace a missing tooth and use the two neighboring teeth for support. A dental bridge evenly distributes your bite force but causes additional pressure on your adjacent teeth. Our Bloomsburg area family dentist advises patients with poor dental history to exercise caution when choosing a dental bridge since it requires adjacent teeth to be crowned.

Dental implants are a stand-alone solution that doesn’t require assistance from other teeth. A titanium screw gets inserted into your jawbone, and after four to six months, the screw will fuse to your jawbone to provide implant stability.

Implants Stimulate Your Jawbone

Your natural teeth have a root that stimulates your jawbone and keeps it healthy. Out of available tooth replacement options, dental implants are the closest to your natural tooth as the titanium post stimulates your jawbone. Danville’s cosmetic dentists warn patients that without jawbone stimulation, the body resorbs the bone, and it diminishes. In addition, when the bone below a partial denture or bridge dissipates, the structural integrity could affect how well a removable denture prothesis fits.

Implants are Easy to Clean

Cleaning your teeth is vital to your oral health. Dental implant care is similar to natural tooth care. A good oral hygiene regimen of brushing and flossing daily and visiting your implant dentist in Bloomsburg for regular checkups and cleanings promotes good oral health. Practicing good oral hygiene daily is necessary to ensure your gums and jawbone remain healthy enough to retain the implant.

Implants Help Keep Your Natural Teeth Longer

Unfortunately, when you have a missing tooth, more tend to follow. Therefore, additional tooth loss should occur unless you replace your missing tooth. Dental implants are a permanent, premier tooth replacement option that functions the same as your natural teeth. The Bloomsburg dental implant dentist near you explains that it can stabilize your bite and help protect your natural teeth longer when you have implants.

Dental Implants in Bloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Dental implants offer multiple benefits for good oral health by restoring your smile. Regardless of your reason for a missing tooth, a dental implant can restore functionality, aesthetics, and oral health. To find out more about dental implants or to schedule an appointment with our Danville board-certified dentists, feel free to call Hamilton Dental Care at (570) 387-0533 or contact us online.


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