sugar free soda isnt as healthy as you think

sugar free soda isnt as healthy as you thinkBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Sugar-free sodas are nothing new. For decades, manufacturers of these products have staked the claim that sugar-free sodas are healthier, and won’t cause weight gain like the notorious sugar-filled sodas. But, is this claim actually true? Dr. Joel Hamilton and Dr. Leigh Jacopetti, family dentists in Bloomsburg, are here to share reasons why sugar-free sodas aren’t as healthy as you think. And, we will recommend some healthier options.

Regular soda contains as much as 200 calories, but diet sodas have only one. Just by looking at the caloric intake, one would automatically believe that a diet soda is healthier. But is it?

A recent study conducted by Imperial College in London proves otherwise. The study states that sugar-free sodas are not healthier for you than consuming the regular kind. In fact, sugar-free may actually end up causing even more weight gain over a period of time, according to another study by the American Journal of Public Health. In this study, participants included 11% at a healthy weight, 19% that were overweight, and 22% that were obese consequently drank diet sodas. Another study by Obesity followed 3,700 people over the span of eight years. Researchers determined that those participants who drank diet soda gained more weight than those who didn’t. These studies back the claim that drinking diet soda ultimately ends up causing you to consume even more calories in other ways, like having an extra cookie. This is because of the thought analogy that by having saved calories in one manner, means that you can make up for it in another way.

Based on the results of these studies, you can see that diet sodas aren’t actually as healthy for you as once thought. Diet sodas may be beneficial when consumed to achieve short-term weight loss, or if you are trying to give up sodas completely. But they aren’t the best choice if you are aiming to lose weight, and keep it off for good.

What’s the connection between diet sodas and your teeth?

Call it what you want, but diet soda still is soda. While sugary filled sodas are not good for your teeth, neither are the sugar-free varieties. Even sugar-free sodas are highly-acidic, and can wear down and damage your tooth enamel, which is the protective layer on the outside of your teeth. Enamel erosion can lead to tooth sensitivity, cavities, stains, and gum disease.

Healthier options

The best beverage to wet your whistle, so to speak, and keep the pounds off, is water. Water helps neutralize the acidity in your mouth because it has a lower pH. We understand that water isn’t all that exciting to drink, and can be rather bland. So, that doesn’t mean that you are stuck drinking water day in and day out forever. You certainly can still enjoy some of your other favorite beverages on occasion. But, that’s the deal – consume them sparingly. Drink your favorite beverage through a straw, if possible, to minimize the likelihood of the liquid coming in contact with your teeth. And, just for good measure, take a few sips of water afterward to rinse out your mouth and rinse away residual sugars that are left behind. This is especially helpful if you aren’t able to brush your teeth afterward. Avoid sipping on sodas or other highly acidic drinks throughout the day. Instead, just have one and be done.

General Dentists in Bloomsburg

At Hamilton Dental Care, your oral health is our top concern. To learn more or to schedule a consultation, just call Hamilton Dental Care at (570) 387-0533. We serve the areas of Bloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg.


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