never too late to visit dentist

never too late to visit dentistBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

It’s easy to fall into the habit of procrastinating, even going to the extent of putting off recommended dental appointments. Maybe you skip going to the dentist because of the costs involved, or you battle dental phobia. You’re not alone. Many people avoid going to the dentist for years, although we don’t recommend it. Unfortunately, even if you’re diligent about your at-home oral hygiene routine, dental problems will eventually arise, and they only worsen without proper treatment. The state of your oral health may have even reached a point that you feel too embarrassed to see a dentist, or you might feel as though your teeth are a lost cause. Today on the blog, Bloomsburg family dentists share why it’s never too late to go to the dentist.

Routine dental visits, such as six-month cleanings and check-ups help prevent cavities and gum disease, an infection that erodes the gums and jawbone. The American Dental Association recommends receiving dental cleanings and exams at least twice a year or once every six months. Even dentists have to get their teeth cleaned and checked! The reason for these visits is to remove calculus or tartar buildup, which forms on teeth as a result of oral bacteria that naturally reside in our mouths. The bacteria excrete acids, a by-product of breaking down food and sugary substances in the mouth. Daily brushing and flossing remove a good bit of the acids, but most people aren’t diligent teeth brushers. Additionally, the minerals in our saliva, mixed with the acids secreted by the oral bacteria, lead to the buildup of biofilm that eventually hardens and becomes tartar. No matter how long it’s been since your last visit, a dental cleaning can do wonders for your smile by removing teeth stains, freshening your breath, and improving your overall oral health.

Neglecting dental visits increases one’s risk of developing dental diseases like cavities and gum disease. Unfortunately, almost half of adults have gum disease, which causes foul-smelling breath, receding gums, and loose teeth. In severe cases of gum disease, tooth loss is inevitable. It’s a disease that can be managed with proper dental treatments paired with a diligent commitment to at-home oral hygiene. You might not know that you have gum disease if you don’t go to the dentist. However, symptoms of gum disease include gums that are red, inflamed, and bleed easily. You may also see pink in the sink when brushing or flossing your teeth. Advanced stages of gum disease are likely to cause loose teeth. These are telltale signs of a periodontal (gum) infection. With proper oral care, gum disease can be managed, which stops it from progressing and causing even more damage.

Maintaining oral health is a lifetime commitment. It’s true that teeth can become damaged to the point of no return, but that doesn’t mean that your remaining teeth should be treated the same way. Teeth with a healthy root structure can often be repaired with fillings or crowns. Leading-edge dentistry also provides some of the best, most natural-looking solutions for replacing missing teeth. But your smile cannot be restored if you avoid going to the dentist.

At Hamilton Dental Care, our team of dental providers is caring and friendly, and our practice is a judgment-free zone. We understand that many people avoid going to the dentist out of fear, financial concerns, or had a bad experience in the past. The good news is that we can restore your smile no matter the state of your oral health. However, maintaining your smile requires professional dental treatments paired with your commitment to at-home oral hygiene. Our cosmetic dentists offer tooth-colored fillings to repair mild to moderately sized cavities, dental crowns for severely damaged or broken teeth, and we offer tooth replacement options to replace missing teeth. It’s never too late to see a dentist in Bloomsburg. Once you meet our team, you’ll feel relaxed and comfortable. Make the decision to improve your oral health and get the smile you’ve always deserved by calling (570) 387-0533. Hamilton Dental Care welcomes patients of Bloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg.


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