clearcorrect aligners

clearcorrect alignersBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

If your teeth are crooked, you may be inclined to cover your mouth when smiling to prevent others from noticing. Having crooked teeth can also reduce your self-esteem and confidence in social situations resulting in embarrassment. However, ClearCorrect providers in Bloomsburg at Hamilton Dental Care offer a solution to correct your crooked smile and restore your confidence. Today on the blog, find out what it is like to get ClearCorrect aligners to straighten your teeth.

Discreet Treatment

Unlike traditional braces that use brackets, wires, and are highly visible, ClearCorrect aligners are a discreet treatment option for straightening teeth. Because the aligners are clear, you can smile without being self-conscious. Hamilton Dental Care offers this orthodontic treatment in Bloomsburg to patients needing minor teeth realignment. The aligners are so discreet that they are hardly noticeable. Ideal for teens and adults, ClearCorrect is an easier and comfortable way to straighten your teeth.

Easy Oral Hygiene

When wearing traditional braces with brackets and wires, it can be challenging to keep your teeth clean. However, with ClearCorrect aligners, oral hygiene is less complicated as the aligners are removable for easy cleaning. You should plan on wearing your aligners for at least 22 hours each day. But, remove them before eating, and when you need to brush and floss your teeth. You should clean your teeth after each meal, before reinserting your aligners. Our Bloomsburg cosmetic dentists recommend always storing your aligners in the case provided to prevent them from being lost or broken.

Comfortable Process

Each set of aligners is custom-designed using a 3-D model of your teeth created from digital images. These images are used in constructing aligners for your comprehensive treatment plan. Each new set of aligners requires three weeks of wear before moving to the new set of aligners. Unlike traditional braces with wires and brackets that can poke and scrape your tongue or inside your cheeks, ClearCorrect provides a smooth surface that won’t irritate oral tissue.

Additional Benefits of ClearCorrect Treatment

The benefits of your ClearCorrect treatment span more than discreetness, hygiene, and comfort while straightening your teeth. Because the aligners use slight pressure to move your teeth slowly, there is little discomfort associated with a new set of trays as opposed to adjustments for traditional braces. Also, patients with a metal allergy find that ClearCorrect is an ideal treatment method for straightening their teeth. Lastly, your ClearCorrect dentists in Bloomsburg advise that there are no dietary restrictions when using the transparent aligner system, unlike traditional braces.

ClearCorrect in Bloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Using state-of-the-art dental procedures like ClearCorrect, you can achieve the straight smile of your dreams sooner than expected. Because of the discreet treatment, convenient, and comfortable process, most patients choose ClearCorrect over traditional braces or other orthodontic treatments. If you want to get straight teeth fast or have questions about ClearCorrect, feel free to contact Hamilton Dental Care by calling (570) 387-0533 or request an appointment online today.


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