tips for teaching kids oral hygiene

tips for teaching kids oral hygieneBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Parenting is not easy. Ask anyone who has or is raising a toddler, and they will agree that getting their kids to brush their teeth is like fighting with a tiny tyrant. Setting your child up for good oral health that will last for years to come begins in childhood. Along with taking your child to the dentist regularly, here are some at-home tips for teaching your child good oral hygiene.

Stick to a routine

Kids thrive off of routines. When it comes to your child’s oral health, make it a priority and incorporate it into their nightly routine. Right before bedtime every night could be a perfect time to brush and floss their teeth. You could even brush yours along with them since kids are known to be visual learners.

Incorporate books and stories

This could really prove helpful for younger kids. Read books or stories with your child that shows a beloved character that is practicing good oral hygiene. You may be pleasantly surprised how much a simple story can impact your child’s will to want to take care of his or her own teeth.

Sing a song

The American Dental Association recommends that we brush our teeth for at least two minutes, which ironically is about how long it takes to sing a short song. To help make sure your child brushes long enough, sing a fun, kid-friendly song while they brush.

Make it fun

Last but not least, always make oral hygiene fun! Let your child pick his or her own toothpaste and uniquely designed toothbrush or flavor of mouth rinse, all age appropriate, of course. Be sure that you also use positive reinforcement and encourage your child along the way. You may even want to offer other incentives for their efforts.

At Hamilton Dental Care, we accept patients of all ages, including children. For more information about oral health or to schedule an appointment, contact our office by calling (570) 387-0533.

Hamilton Dental Care is here to serve patients in the communities of Bloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA.


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