pro flossing tips

pro flossing tipsBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

If you’ve been to our Bloomsburg dental office lately or kept an eye on our blog, you know that we underscore the importance of daily flossing. But many patients continue skipping this vital step in their oral care routine. Flossing your teeth every day is the equivalent of cleaning between your teeth. Skipping this step means that you’re only cleaning about two-thirds of the surfaces of your teeth. And if you do floss but aren’t doing it correctly, your efforts could be wasted. Today on the blog, learn how to floss like a pro with tips from our Bloomsburg family dentists.

Choose the right floss

Patients often ask which type of floss is best. Our answer is – select the one that you will use! Just be sure that any oral care product you choose, including floss, bears the American Dental Association’s seal of approval. After you’ve selected the floss and are ready to start flossing, unravel about 18 inches and wrap one end of the floss around the middle fingers of both hands. Start flossing in the back of your mouth and work your way around both dental arches so you can be sure to get between every tooth. Use your thumbs to gently push the floss between your teeth, taking care not to pop the floss, or you could injure your gums. Move the floss in a “C” shape as you glide it along the sides of each tooth and the gumline. Avoid moving the floss in a sawing or slicing motion, as this is ineffective. As you floss between each set of teeth, wrap the floss around one finger so that you do not reuse the same area of floss more than once. If the floss is frayed or breaks, get a new piece. Most importantly, floss all of your teeth, not just the easiest ones to reach!

Tips for flossing around dental bridges, implants, and other fixed dental appliances

Fixed dental appliances or restorations like dental bridges, implants, or orthodontic wires can be difficult, but not impossible, to keep clean. To clean these areas, you may need to purchase floss threaders, floss brushes, or a water flosser to dislodge large food particles between or underneath these appliances and restorations. Most importantly, keep these areas clean because bacteria and food particles that linger in these areas could inflame and infect the gum tissue or end up causing cavities.

Are water flossers or floss sticks as good as regular floss?

While these oral care items help clean certain areas of your mouth, they do not replace string floss. Nothing cleans between your teeth as good as string floss. However, water flossers or floss sticks may be easier to use if you struggle with dexterity. Speak with your general dentists in Bloomsburg to discuss the best flossing tools for your oral care needs.

Family Dentists in Bloomsburg

Our dental team is here to help you along your journey to excellent oral health. Part of what we do is provide patient education to ensure you understand the best way to maintain your oral hygiene routine at home. If you have any questions about flossing your teeth or need to schedule an appointment, please call Hamilton Dental Care at (570) 387-0533.


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