avoiding dentist

avoiding dentistBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Let’s not try to hide it… the last two years have been incredibly stressful. Even if you’ve managed to avoid the coronavirus, living through the pandemic has taken a toll. Excess weight gain has been common and so has, believe it or not, a sharp uptick in the number of broken toes. One other consequence of the pandemic is that people have delayed or completely neglected routine dental care. Unfortunately, avoiding the dentist has consequences. Today, we’ll examine some of the consequences of missed dental visits, and share how you can your oral health back on track.

What are dentists seeing more of since the pandemic began?

Cavities, gum disease, and bruxism have been on the rise in the last two years. Bruxism, the clinical term for teeth grinding, can be linked to increased stress and anxiety brought on by societal changes since COVID-19 emerged. Decay and gum disease, meanwhile, could be linked to poor eating habits during the pandemic, or perhaps not keeping up with at-home oral hygiene routines.

The American Dental Association conducted a survey and more than three-quarters of general practice dentists responded noting an increase in the number of bruxism cases they were treating, compared to pre-pandemic data. Two-thirds of responding dentists reported a rise in the number of chipped and cracked teeth, while one in about every three respondents indicated an increase in the prevalence of both tooth decay and gum disease. Visiting your dentist routinely means that they can identify cases of bruxism and provide an easy solution to protect your teeth from additional damage. But, if you’ve been skipping your appointments the past couple of years, your teeth could be suffering.

There’s no substitute for professional dental care

You can be the most diligent brusher and flosser there is, but we hate to tell you, cavities still can happen. There are certain areas of your mouth you simply cannot reach on your own. When you have a check-up at Hamilton Dental Care, you’ll have your teeth cleaned professionally by one of our dental hygienists. This process completely removes all the plaque and tartar from your teeth. Paired with at-home oral hygiene of daily brushing and flossing, dental cleanings can help reduce your risk of cavities and gum disease.

Other reasons to schedule a dental check-up include:

  • Cancer screenings – Oral cancer has one of the highest mortality rates because it often goes undiagnosed until it has reached the late stages. Your Bloomsburg dentist can examine your mouth for any warning signs of oral cancer.
  • Prevention – Like with most things, it’s better to address problems before it worsens. Gum disease and tooth decay, for example, are far more treatable with early detection. Seeing your dentist allows you to take a proactive stance towards your oral health.
  • Specialized care – Regularly seeing your dentist helps build a strong relationship based on trust and knowledge. We aren’t just here to treat patients, but also provide tailored advice and recommendations according to your oral health needs. You’ll also feel more comfortable asking any questions you may have about your oral health when you see a trusted dentist near you.

Dental Care in A Changing World

In this time of the pandemic, we’re all more conscious of our health and staying well. Make sure you do not neglect your oral health during these stressful times. You can take measures on your own to limit your risk of dental issues. Be sure to brush twice a day and floss at least daily. You also should consider reducing the amount of refined carbs and sugar in your diet, as these snacks can be cavity-causing fuel to the bacteria that lead to decay.

Ultimately, though, seeing your dentist every six months should be a necessary part of your oral health regimen. Have you lapsed in your schedule of appointments, or maybe you need to find a new dentist? Either way, the team at Hamilton Dental Care is here to help patients just like you in Bloomsburg and Danville get back on track. Make an appointment today by calling (570) 387-0533.


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