dental teeth whitening

dental teeth whiteningBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

It’s common for adults to have imperfections in their smile, such as crooked, overlapped or gapped teeth. Celebrities are often envied for their gorgeous, perfect-looking teeth. You too can have a smile that’s worthy of the red carpet. Cosmetic makes it all possible. Today on the blog, our Bloomsburg cosmetic dentists share some of the secrets of Hollywood so that you can get perfect teeth the same way celebs do.

Teeth whitening

Everyone’s teeth stain eventually. Foods and beverages that we consume are the main causes of stained teeth, but smoking and chewing tobacco can also lead to dingy, yellow teeth. Additionally, certain medications may stain teeth from within known as intrinsic stains, which over-the-counter whitening products cannot whiten. Getting your teeth whitened at the dentist is one of the quickest and most affordable ways to enhance your smile and achieve bright white teeth.  You may think that using over-the-counter teeth whitening products is enough to get the job done. But unfortunately, most people see dismal results at best. Store-bought whitening products are made for one-size-fits-all, which means they may not be strong enough for your needs. To get the best teeth whitening result in Bloomsburg, opt for professional teeth whitening at Hamilton Dental Care. Our in-office whitening treatment will have your smile glowing in no time. With good oral hygiene practices at home and regular trips to your dentist paired with touch-up whitening treatments as necessary, you will smile with confidence once again.

Porcelain veneers

If your teeth need more than a whitening treatment, porcelain veneers may be right for you. Veneers are hand-crafted to fit each individual tooth to conceal minor crookedness, and overlapping teeth, close gaps, and hide other common tooth imperfections without the need for extensive treatments or recovery. Veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments, even for celebrities, because they hide a multitude of aesthetic issues, and you don’t have to have straight teeth for them to work. The dentist shapes your underlying tooth structure so that the veneer makes a flush bond against the front of the tooth. Once in place, a veneer looks completely natural. It may take a couple of weeks to achieve your results, but it’s well worth the wait. Plus, veneers don’t stain, which means that you’ll have a perfect smile that’s permanent, although you still will need to practice good daily oral hygiene.


If you would like to achieve straight teeth but without all the metal and inconvenience of traditional braces, consider aligner therapy as an alternative. At Hamilton Dental Care, we offer Invisalign, which  uses custom clear aligners to straighten your teeth by applying gentle pressure. You’ll change your aligners every few weeks when you visit your Bloomsburg dentist for a checkup to monitor your treatment progress. Adults and teens alike appreciate the smooth feel of the aligners since there isn’t any metal to poke inside the mouth. Another added convenience is that you can remove the aligners for special occasions, or when you eat or drink. However, you should plan on wearing your aligners for at least 22 hours a day to remain on track for your treatment. Many patients achieve results in 12-18 months, although specific treatment lengths may vary.

Cosmetic dentists in Bloomsburg, Danville and Lewisburg in Pennsylvania

Achieving an attractive, confident smile is within reach when you choose a qualified cosmetic dentist like the ones on staff at Hamilton Dental Care. We use state-of-the-art technology and materials to produce the most astounding results in cosmetic dentistry. To get started or learn more about which treatment option is right for you, contact Hamilton Dental Care by calling (570) 387-0533 today.


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