reasons to get smile makeover

reasons to get smile makeoverBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Smiles are the first thing that people notice about others. It’s true that first impressions are made within the first three seconds of meeting someone, which is why a nice smile is so important.

What does your smile say about you?

What type of first impression are you leaving when you meet people?

Cosmetic dentists in Bloomsburg want to share with you five reasons, previously published from a study, to get a smile makeover so that the next time you meet someone for the first time, you can make a good first impression.

  1. Make a good first impression

Your smile makes a lasting impression on those that you meet, especially when meeting someone for the first time. In fact, 29% of people surveyed said that they notice a person’s smile first, and 24% stated that they remember this feature above all others.

  1. Be more successful

Now, let’s start this one off by saying that having a nice smile with straight teeth isn’t going to guarantee that you will land a successful career and make lots of money. But, since smiles significantly impact first impressions, people with pearly white, straight teeth are seen as 45% more likely to be selected over a candidate with poor oral health or bad teeth with similar qualifications.

  1. Get more dates

When it comes to the online dating scene, people with straight teeth are 57% more likely to be asked out on a date than those with crooked teeth when based on a picture alone. Even though we can’t promise that a nice-looking smile will get you any date that you want, it is likely that you will have better results.

  1. Be the limelight at social gatherings

People with straight teeth are thought to have a good personality, seen as happier, healthier individuals, and more intelligent than people with crooked teeth. 

  1. Seen as more trustworthy

Results from the survey found that 73% of those surveyed would view someone with nice teeth as being more trustworthy than someone with a nice car, clothing, or a decent job.

Smile Makeover in Bloomsburg

If have a less than desirable smile such as crooked teeth, or teeth that are gapped, chipped, or discolored, Hamilton Dental Care can help.

Here’s how our procedures can transform your smile:

  • ClearCorrect – Ideal for straightening teeth, these customized clear plastic aligners can have your teeth straight in less time than it would take with traditional orthodontics, and does so without all of that noticeable metal.
  • Veneers – Porcelain veneers are ideal for repairing teeth that are gapped, twisted, short or otherwise imperfect. Within a couple of weeks, your teeth can be perfect, and even shades whiter with veneers.
  • Teeth whitening – If your teeth just need refreshing, professional teeth whitening could be the answer. Much more powerful and long-lasting than over-the-counter whitening products, professional teeth whitening could help you make a good first impression.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Bloomsburg

If you would like to learn more about cosmetic dentistry or how to get a smile makeover, please contact Hamilton Dental Care by calling (570) 387-0533. We welcome patients of Bloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg.


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