dental implant q&a

dental implant q&aBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Dental implants have become a hot topic in dentistry. It is a tooth replacement option far superior to any other type of replacement option since it is permanent, provides stimulation to the jawbone, and looks and functions like a natural tooth more than anything else. If you are considering a dental implant, your mind may be flooded with questions about the procedure. Your Bloomsburg implant dentists at Hamilton Dental Care have provided answers to some of these common questions.

Q: Is a dental implant right for me?

Only a consultation with your implant dentist in Bloomsburg can determine if you are a candidate for a dental implant. However, a dental implant is ideal for a patient who has a missing tooth or soon to be extracted tooth, and that is in search of a tooth replacement option. Since dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone, healthy bone levels must be present for the implant to be successful. This important factor and your overall oral health may be considered when determining if you are a candidate for dental implants.

Q: Can any dentist perform a dental implant procedure?

Only a qualified implant dentist should perform this procedure. When selecting an implant dentist in Bloomsburg, it is essential to select one that has extensive education and experience in this area, as well as one that is reputable. Also, be sure to ask to see before and after photos showcasing the results of other patients who have received a dental implant from the dentist that you are considering. Checking patient testimonies online or via word of mouth can also aid in making your decision. At Hamilton Dental Care, we will gladly share with you before and after photos and testimonies from some of our patients who have received dental implants. We are sure that you will feel confident in choosing us to perform your implant procedure.

Q: What should I know before receiving a dental implant?

While there is certainly a good bit of information regarding the benefits and risks of receiving a dental implant, it is best to discuss this in person with your dentist. It will be important for you to share your complete medical history, and to receive an oral health assessment to determine your candidacy. Certain pre-existing medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, leukemia, pregnancy, or lack of commitment to adhere to oral hygiene, may preclude you from being an ideal candidate. When you meet with us at Hamilton Dental Care, we will discuss with you the pros and cons of a dental implant as it relates to your health, as well as answer any questions that you may have.

Q: What is the typical success rate of dental implants?

Dental implants are successful in 98% of cases. With that being said, it is still important that you maintain good oral hygiene, as well as adhere to the post-operative recommendations that we provide you. It does not stop there; routine dental exams and cleanings also contribute to the longevity of your new tooth replacement.

Dental Implants in Bloomsburg

Why continue dealing with the side effects of a lost tooth? Dental implants can restore your smile and confidence. If you would like to learn more about dental implants or any of our other tooth replacement options, contact Hamilton Dental Care by calling 570-387-0533.

Hamilton Dental Care helps create beautiful smiles that fit the needs of every patient in Bloomsburg, PA and surrounding areas including Danville and Lewisburg.


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