
flossingBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Flossing is an irreplaceable component of a sound regimen of oral care. First and foremost, flossing is the only way to clean the narrow spaces between your teeth, which no toothbrush can reach. Otherwise, food particles, bacteria and plaque can accumulate, creating areas of decay and causing other potential oral health issues. Your best course of action to maintain good oral health is to brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily and visit your Bloomsburg dentist once every six months for a checkup. But did you also know that flossing can benefit your overall wellness? Read on as Hamilton Dental Care explains six ways that flossing is key to good overall health.

Flossing helps your immune system

Your body contains both beneficial and harmful bacteria. Without proper oral care, the number of negative bacteria in your mouth multiplies, which increases the population of germs in your body. The more germs that you have, the greater the likelihood that you develop an illness or an infection.

Flossing helps regulate your weight

Some people struggle to maintain or reach their ideal weight even with [roper diet and regular exercise. But did you know that flossing can help you lose weight? Studies have linked the accumulation of plaque and tartar with having a higher percentage of body fat. Food particles left between your teeth linger and you essentially continue eating them, leading to an influx of calories without you realizing.

Flossing lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease

Heart attack and stroke, two potentially fatal ailments, are linked to gum disease, which develops when a bacterial infection forms in the tissue of your gums. Flossing lowers your risk of gum disease, because it removes the food particles and bacteria that can attack the gums. One study performed at Harvard found individuals with gum disease had double or triple the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke.

Flossing helps regulate your blood sugar

Diabetes and gum disease are linked; having one of these chronic conditions greatly raises your risk of developing the other. If you’re diabetic, proper oral care is a vital component of your regimen to monitor and regulate your blood sugar. If you are diabetic, by flossing daily, it helps improve your glucose control and make your blood sugar easier to manage

Flossing helps lower the risk of complications during pregnancy

There are so many things for an expectant mother to manage: nutrition, exercise, foods and activities that should be avoided, frequent doctor visits, and all of the other preparation for the new member of your family. Making sure to practice good oral hygiene during pregnancy is also important, as pregnant women are more vulnerable to developing gum disease due to the hormonal changes that occur. By contrast, if you have gum disease, this impacts the likelihood of conception, as well as sexual function.

Comprehensive oral care in Bloomsburg, Danville and Lewisburg in Pennsylvania

When you come to Hamilton Dental Care for a checkup, our professional dental cleaning removes all the plaque and tartar from your mouth. One of our courteous and compassionate dental hygienists also can review flossing techniques with you, if needed. Hamilton Dental Care also currently is accepting new patients. If you’re overdue for a cleaning or looking for a new dentist in Bloomsburg, Danville, Lewisburg or any of the surrounding areas, make an appointment today. Just call (570) 387-0533 or contact us online.


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