are women better at oral care

are women better at oral careBloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

The age-old question about who is better, men or women, remains in some categories. So it may be no surprise that men have predisposed health conditions that women do not encounter in most cases. For example, according to a study produced by the American Academy of Periodontology, gum disease infects 56.4% of men and 38.4% of women. Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention uncovered that neck, head, and oral cancers are twice as likely to occur in men than in women. Additional research indicates men are less diligent about daily oral hygiene, which increases their risk of cavities and tooth loss. Therefore, our Bloomsburg family dentists at Hamilton Dental Care share more details about this phenomenon on the blog today and how crucial good dental hygiene is in your overall health and well-being.

Why do men have a higher risk of oral health issues than women?

Even though genetics sometimes plays a role in oral health outcomes, lifelong behaviors can also contribute to poor dental health. For example, studies show men have an increased risk for emergency dental care because of their lifestyle choices, which could be attributed to participating in sports or more risky behaviors. Our dentists near Danville share additional reasons below why men may be more prone to dental health conditions than women.

  • Fewer Dental Visits – The American Dental Association recommends visiting your dentist once every six months for regular checkups and cleanings. However, studies prove that men are less likely to see their dentists for cleanings. In addition, a young adult study found that women went to their dentist twice as much as their male counterparts within the past year, although researchers are unsure of the reason for the differences.
  • Smokeless Tobacco – Chewing tobacco has a history of causing considerable oral health damage. Our family dentists in Bloomsburg that offer oral cancer screenings explain that vaping can also increase your chances of developing advanced oral health conditions, including oral cancer. According to the CDC, 7.5% of high school males used smokeless tobacco when surveyed in 2019, compared to 1.8% of high school females.
  • Lifestyle Choices – Men are more susceptible to dental injuries such as chipped, cracked, or knocked-out teeth. Based on Harvard data, approximately 20% of American males participate in sports activities every year. Therefore, men engaging in sports may increase their risk of dental damage. We recommend protecting your oral health with a custom mouthguard from our Danville family dentists if you participate in sports that could result in being bumped or knocked in the face, which could break or knock out a tooth.

Dental Health Hygiene Regimen

Our Bloomsburg dental practice believes that many common oral health conditions can be prevented with proper oral health hygiene and preventive care. Therefore, it’s crucial to establish a solid routine that includes daily brushing and flossing and visiting our office for regular checkups and cleanings at least twice a year.

Additionally, below are more tips to help improve your oral health:

  • Rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash once
  • daily, preferably after brushing and flossing right before bed.
  • Floss your teeth once a day after your last meal.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice per day.
  • Maintain regular dental visits, which help monitor your oral health for developing conditions, identify changes, and uncover potential problems that require early intervention.
  • Chronic acid reflux sufferers should speak to their doctor about controlling their condition with antacids or other medications, as the acid can accumulate on your teeth and continuously wear away tooth enamel.
  • Purchase a new toothbrush or electric toothbrush head when your toothbrush shows signs of wear or every three to four months, whichever comes first. Furthermore, change your toothbrush if you have been ill.

Preventive Dentistry in Bloomsburg, Danville, and Lewisburg, PA

Our family dentist office in Bloomsburg is happy to accept men and women, regardless of your current oral health condition. However, we encourage all patients to exercise proper oral health care for a longer, healthier life. If it’s time for you to see a dentist, feel free to call Hamilton Dental Care at (570) 387-0533 or contact us online to schedule an appointment today.


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